16hr Outdoor First Aid Course

UK Certified 16 Hour Outdoor First Aid Course (2 days)
This is an assessed course
€200 per person
​Course Details:
This UK certified outdoor course deals with issues involved with the long term care of casualties in a remote setting. It is often referred to as a Wilderness First Aid or a Remote First Aid.
The course is suitable for outdoor enthusiasts, environmental consultants and professionals working in the outdoor industry. If you require a UK outdoor first aid qualification to meet NGB requirements, this is the course for you. UK NGBs include BCU, BASI, MLTB etc
The outdoor first aid course includes primary and secondary surveys of a casualty, we also look at first aid equipment and how you may adapt and improvise your own equipment to support your first aid kit.
A lot more emphasis is placed on incident management and relaying information to rescue teams. We assume minimal equipment is available. There are plenty of opportunities to apply and practice techniques, as much of the course involved scenario based exercises. As much of the course as possible is carried out in an outdoors environment, in winter this will include snow conditions.
This 2 day (16 hour) course is recognised by the National Governing Bodies such as theMountain Leader Training, British Canoe Union, British Cycling, British Association of Snowsport Instructors etc. Be sure to check your NGB requirements. The course is delivered by qualified and practising International Mountain Leaders, in accordance with the IoS guidance on choosing suitable first aid training.
Certificates are issued through Nuco Training, an OfQual Awarding Organisation.
Day 1
Introduction – scope and responsibilities
Vital signs assessment and meaning
Accident procedure – checklist of actions to carry out
Recognition and management of an unconscious casualty
Recognition and treatment of seizures
Recognition and treatment of Cardiac Arrest (Adult CPR) (inc. Defibrillation)
Recognition and treatment of Drowning / Child CPR / Infant CPR
Recognition and treatment of partial and full choking casualties
Recognition and treatment of bleeding injuries
Recognition and treatment of burns and scalds
Day 2
Recognition and treatment potential fractures to arms and lower legs
Recognition and treatment soft tissue injuries
Recognition and treatment head injuries (brain injuries – concussion, compression)
Recognition and treatment neck injuries
Recognition and treatment of injuries to the torso (chest, stomach, pelvis and thigh)
Recognition and treatment of common medical emergencies (Asthma, diabetes, anaphylaxis, bites, stings,)
Recognition and treatment of core heating and cooling (hyper and hypothermia)
Throughout the course we use practical exercises to reinforce learning.
Please note: Our first aid courses are certified by a UK governing body.
We DO NOT run French certified first aid courses

I completed 2 day outdoor first aid course with Jason. It was the best first aid courses I've attended. Jason is a very professional instructor. We had many practical lessons not only indoors but also outdoors. I had a chance to touch and to try a specific equipment. Also I've got a lot of feedback
OP Nov 2021
The quality of instruction, resources and venue choice were all excellent. Jason and Viv managed to fit a huge amount into the two days, demonstrating their wealth of knowledge and experience in the expedition and first aid fields. The course had access to realistic outdoor environments that were very close to the classroom, as well as good resources (first aid supplies, resuscitation equipment and course notes). For a course with a lot of technical content, Jason and Viv succeeded in keeping the content engaging and relevant to situations we as outdoor first-aiders may have to deal with, but also managed to keep the course fun and enjoyable where possible. Five stars, thanks guys!
CB Nov 2022
I have worked in a medical environment in one way or another for 20 years; as a medical logistics and planning officer in the army, acting as incidence response manager for World Challenge and for the last 12 years running a company conducting medical evacuations around the world. I have lost count of the number of first aid and medical training courses I have attended but for content, hands on scenarios and the high level of training, you guys did an exceptional job and I will be recommending you to colleagues who need to update their qualifications.
DW Nov 2022
Attended a fantastic outdoor first aid course with Jason. Very thorough and professionally delivered. A very worthwhile experience and highly recommended to anyone requiring a 16 hour outdoor first aid qualification.
MB Nov 2022